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Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation

==================  ROOT OF QUADRATIC EQUATION =====================

 print "Quaratic Equqtion must be in form of a(x*x)+bx=c=0"

 a=input("Enter 'a' part of Quadratic Equation :")

 b=input("Enter 'b' part of Quadratic Equation :")

 c=input("Enter 'c' part of Quadratic Equation :")


 if e<0:

     print "No real root exist"


     import math




     print "Root of Qudratic Equation is ",root1 ," and ", root2

========================== OUTPUT =============================

 Quaratic Equqtion must be in form of a(x*x)+bx=c=0

 Enter 'a' part of Quadratic Equation :1

 Enter 'b' part of Quadratic Equation :-3

 Enter 'c' part of Quadratic Equation :-10

 Root of Qudratic Equation is  5.0  and  -2.0

========================== OUTPUT =============================

 Quaratic Equqtion must be in form of a(x*x)+bx=c=0

 Enter 'a' part of Quadratic Equation :2

 Enter 'b' part of Quadratic Equation :2

 Enter 'c' part of Quadratic Equation :2

 No real root exist


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